Read this trot, quickly!

05 Nov 12
Written by Alexandra Coroian
Hits: 3639

For there are many more things to find out about social media.

Not about realizing its importance, paying someone to post on your behalf or investing thousands in online advertising. But about really using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and the other social channels, exploring every opportunity that the networks can offer and actually getting a better representation for your business.


-Learn your shortcuts

Because they save you time and make the accessing of different applications, easier. Try Facebook for example:


Action performed


open a new message


Facebook search




Profile page


Friends requests





(depending on the browser and operating system, the modifier key may change)

The generally used shortcuts are just as important.


- Those manners

Some people thing that if they're online , they have to behave differently from the offline world. One Lilly's marketer Donna Queza has created a Twitter Manners easy to follow guide. From this spreadsheet:


- Spam like you care

Knowing what spam represents to each network in particular, can help you keep your content healthy and don't ever get banned from using certain applications.


What about the fake?

We've heard about miracle makers, people who would sell you anything from likes to followers. Careful that social networks policies are very strict about faking it online.

Also, think about it, what can a silent crowd really do? It's always better to have a smaller, but active community. Not to talk about less expensive. According to Jason Ding, 1000 Twitter followers can be sold on E-bay with prices ranging between 2 and 55 $. The more they cost, the more realistic they appear to be.

So why won't you populate your account with real people from the first place?


Information is distributed in so many ways. Keep track of your social media publishings, create, edit and retract article, launch campaigns and mange users with the help of one tool : Jentla Marketing Hub.