Lay it on the line

Lay it on the line

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17 Oct 12
Written by Alexandra Coroian
Hits: 7252

Menus items are subdivisions of menus and can be recognized on site as they display most of the published content. Their creation is done from the Menus section in your site's front-end and should be simple to follow, guided by the required mandatory fields. As some users reported difficulties in figuring out the menu item types (layouts) and choosing the ones suitable for their content, this blog should do nothing more then clear up these notions.

We call them types, even though the first thing that you see is their layouts. But they represent so much more on site. They give the menu item's consistency, layout and even the content to be displayed and used by others, through the choice. It's no wonder their existence defines most pieces of information.

Menu item types are chosen at menu item creation, by clicking the Select button located on the right of the corresponding field. The pop-up that follows displays all available menu item types to be used with in Jentla. Here are the answers to the top reported issues concerning menu item types.



1.Selecting the All Categories menu item type

will not display any articles under this menu. The format of the page is thought to show all categories names existent on site and, at choice, some other category information such as number of articles mapped under each or category descriptions. To set this data, go to Categories Options.


2. Selecting Category List layout

will display within the menu type a single category at your choosing. This category's display options will also fail to display articles and its data can be set from the Category Options.


3. In the Jentla Action Table View parameters fields

you have to enter action fields previously set and used within a form/base article.


4. The Landing View and Repeat Month View

are also category related menu item types, while the Text Separator is, basically an image displayed on your site.


5. You can use the External URL menu type

to redirect the page to a different address, while clicking on this menu.

6. The Single Article and Category Blog menu item types

are basically, the only two options for showing articles on site. As their names describe,l they a thought to show a single entry or multiple listings on page. Category blog is not only used for blog postings but for any other type of website article you may want to publish. From the Blog layout options section you can set the number of articles to be shown on page, their layout and details and even order content using certain fields.


Once you get more familiar with using menu items and can choose correctly which types to best use for the site, you can start making combinations of menus item layouts to perfectly match your visitors' searches.


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