There's a keyword for that

There's a keyword for that

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Such a fuss over nothing. What can metadata really do? Isn't it enough to publish, make the best of your distribution channels and wait for the results to come bursting in? Well, no.

As there is so much information available online, the search engines are thought to provide the most relevant pieces on a certain subject. If your content – no matter how perfectly composed it may be – is not considered to be connected to the main search idea, then you might have put in a lot of effort into nothing. Or for a limited number of viewings only.

That's where the metadata's role comes in. It makes your information relevant - firstly to search engines, secondly to the prospects using them. It's not a magic potion and can't transform your site's traffic overnight. But it can, in time, get more attention for your causes.

As you've noticed, all articles in Jentla have metadata tabs, enabling you to make use of the search engine results. Except for these easy ways of taking care of your customers searches, there are also other tips and tricks to help prospects find you quickly. For beginner metadata users, here is some important information to get you started:


What is metadata

By definition, metadata describes “other data about a subject” or it provides specific information on a certain item's content. For your article it works in summarizing the main data connected to its content, usually described in the form of meta tags, used by search engines when adding pages to their search index.


Keywords vs keyphrases

Are simply your users' searched content. As some people use single simple keywords such as “shoes” or “trucks” when tying to find these online, others do composed searches such as “sport shoes” or “monster trucks races” - these are called “keyphrases”. Knowing what your prospects are looking for online, helps you put the same words or phrases on your site, to make it easier to be found. The keywords and keyphrases are part of the metadata fields to be completed in the Advanced Content Menu, when creating, editing or posting an article online.


Complete Jentla

After filling in your article's content, you can use the metadata tab as so:

  1. Scan the text for pre-existent keywords and then insert them in the Metadata field. Use the Scan button to do so.

  2. Provide keywords, descriptions and optimized titles to suit your articles.

  3. Use the Metadata tab for all your online articles, including Twitter and Facebook postings or LinkedIn shares. Selected keywords can be re-used for future publishing.


Resources for keyword finding

  1. Online customer survey

  2. Search engine research

  3. free search engines keyword tools

To quickly find your keywords, try to write, without using any specific terms, what are you currently selling. As you concentrate on your main products, you can bring the thought from general to particular. Using these simple but effective descriptions, make combinations of words, to be published as keyphrases. A complete guide for step- by step publishing in Jentla Marketing Hub can be found on

Tip: Use keyword- rich page titles, page descriptions, headers, hyperlinks, put key phrases in the first paragraph of the text and in the images descriptions. Try to use keywords and keyphrases inside the text's body also.



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