Web and Mobile

Web and Mobile

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Mobile sites: too important to miss out on

Today, many websites get well over 15% of their traffic from smartphones and this proportion will only grow. Jentla Marketing Hub makes it incredibly easy to add content to both your websit and your mobile site. Many businesses tack on a mobile presence as an afterthought and find it takes too much time to keep both web and mobile sites updated. With lots of cutting and pasting between separate software applications, there is a much higher chance of error as well. Unless you are using the same tool for both, updating online content can become an arduous chore and many businesses don't keep their sites fresh because of this.

Simple management

Rather than having to learn a separate complex administration system, you can manage Jentla Marketing Hub by switching between front end editing of web content and a simple backend which lets you plan campaigns across multiple channels and view your reports on one page. As you write in content for the web section of a page, it is auto-copied to the mobile friendly content section too. 

Mobile site images are auto-resized to suit that format and create a uniform feel throughout your mobile site. Creating site menus is done in one action for both web and mobile sites.

Statistics for both web and mobile sites are separated in the reports so you can keep a close track of where your visitors are coming from.



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