Work your Jentla dashboard
Work your Jentla dashboard
It is the first page that loads on your Jentla Marketing Hub manager page as it displays quick access buttons to almost all the sections of the Hub, but also, some additional information on your site's activity. We've created all these for you, to anticipate your every action at entering JMH, but also, to offer you valuable insights on your previous actions within Jentla's content manager. To find out what each of your dashboard buttons does and to learn what goes where, on this first page, read the dashboard training below:
Pretty buttons
for big plans. Create a campaign, publish to my channels, update my newsletter, add contacts, send an SMS and view my reports – these are the basic actions that can be performed by clicking the homonym buttons present on your dashboard. Each of them opens a content manager page on which you can create articles and campaigns, as well as enable new contacts, quickly publish SMS articles and generate activity reports.
Campaigns check-up
Check out this valuable information regarding your latest campaign activity. From the panel situated underneath the quick action buttons, view your active campaigns list and quickly post multichannel articles within certain campaigns. You can also see each of the campaign's page views, and the number of unique and return visitors.
Weekly treadmills
These can be used to see all manager related activity, starting with the latest campaigns created and finishing with your social media interactions.
You can see the titles and the publish dates for multichannel articles, as well as the number of subscribers and unsubscribers for SMS and Email publishings.
Check out the number of contacts added within the 7 days time in the homonym section.
The FAQ lounge
Use this part of the dashboard to help your beginner users find their way through Jentla manager. Map instructive articles under the “FAQ” category and you will see them automatically displayed in this dashboard section. If no setting is made, it shows the latest articles added. Clicking on either one of them will open the specific article's editing page.
Website interactions
Right next to the FAQ section, you can see your website's activity in the form of a statistic pie, showing unique and return visitors to your site.
For more information about how to efficiently use every part of your Jentla site dashboard, please visit our documentation page.
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