Menu layouts in Jentla

Menu layouts in Jentla

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There are a lot of options for displaying your Jentla menus and they're all depending on what you wish to publish on site. Whether is a single article, a list of articles sharing the same category or all categories published on site, the menu item types are the ones solving you every problem.

These can be set from the menu editing page, but also while setting a category as menu, in the categories section of your Jentla manager.

As we've previously discussed the different types of menu layouts available, this post will concentrate on the advantages and special features of each one :

1. Blog layout will display only articles published under the homonym category. You can choose to display one or multiple leading and intro articles on a single or on multiple columns. The titles can be linked ( pressing them will open the full article) or you can see the entire content by pressing the Read More button, situated underneath the article's summary.

2. You can choose to show your top level category description, while choosing the “list all categories” menu layout. Use the other options in your menu editing area to choose the subcategory levels and the number of articles displayed within each category.

3. While publishing your category's image, title and description in the category list layout, you may want to use some of the options here to communicate with your viewer. The “no article” and “empty category” messages are intended specifically for these situations.


4. Use the “featured articles” menu layout to display specific updated articles, of special interest to your viewers. It behaves exactly as the blog category menu layout ( it displays a series of articles), with the difference that it shows only articles set as featured on the article editing page.

5. There are some special menu layouts such as repeat month view, action table view or landing view which display calendars, Jentla tables but also the content of a specific category (description included).


6. The text separator menu layout shows a picture that can be positioned anywhere on your site ( use png images for best results), while the external URL lets you redirect the viewer to a different link, at your choosing.

7. The latest addition in terms of menu layouts is the Iframe wrapper menu item type. This basically shows a screen-shot of a specific site inside the menu's content.


To find out more information on Jentla Marketing Hub and Menu Management in particular, please visit out documentation page.


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