Still stumbling there? (follow-up)

Still stumbling there? (follow-up)

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21 Sep 12
Written by Alexandra Coroian
Hits: 3831

Although it may seem a bit complicated at times, don't give up on your Facebook advertising. Social media has, without a doubt, a high influence on the purchase decisions made by your targeted customers. Especially if you are targeting a young market. According to F.C. Tucker Company Inc., about fifteen per cent of young customers prefer social media over any other. Also, turning their offline purchases into online shopping curiosities, the rest of your buyers may be looking for you online.

Take advantage of the current situation and make your Facebook postings count. But most of all, beware of these marketing fails, done by lots. Check out these examples of Facebook mistakes you need to laugh at, but never do yourself:

Hire a young marketer

And call him/her “marketer” just because he/she is young. Yes, you can smirk all you want, but there are business owners with little to no knowledge in networking, who think that “young people know Facebook by heart, just because they spend so much time on it”. Well, that may be true, your 15 yo niece may use Facebook a lot, but she doesn't market anything, ever, has no clue how to differentiate customers and no experience in using page applications. It's best to hire a professional to handle your publishing and marketing.

Linking away from your page

Which is a thing many users tend to constantly do. It took enough effort to get your prospects on your page, why would you want them redelivered to the web: on your blog, site or in any other part of the web from where they are unlikely to come back? Sure,you can use redirected postings from time to time, in order to generate traffic on your site or blog, but have the patience to do this after you've created a Facebook community.

Failing to deliver

When making promises in the offline world, you are usually bound by a contract to respect what you say. It is so easy to talk and bid fair on Facebook, that you may be tented to virtually give away … anything. And could be just as easy to forget your promises and attract a lot of customer disappointment. Failing to deliver on Facebook is just as harmful as in real life. With the difference that on Facebook it can be even more dangerous – cause you're facing such a large community with instant access between its members.

Expect a miracle

There are some Facebook page owners who do this : fill their profile with content and then leave; invest in advertising, then get anxious; not doing anything at all and expecting results. Social media is not a miracle maker. You have to know what you're doing first, then take action and finally, keep those good ideas coming. What you're not able to do, Facebook will not do for you.

With Jentla's Social tab you can monitor your Facebook profile, anytime. Jentla also allows you to handle many pages at once and publish on multiple Facebook accounts. See more details about Social Jentla on





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