
Menu make-up

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
20 May 2013
Hits: 8051

Menus are an important navigation tool for your website users. They help organize your site's content  and engage customer attention. A good menu management can convince a potential client to stay on your site, and even purchase your products.

Contrary to common belief, menus are not usually seen on site, as they are usually used as parents for menu items. Menu items of different levels are the ones we most often work with. Learning how to create menus for your sites is very important as menus organize almost all content, and are usually displayed in modules.

This Monday infographic shows you how to quickly access menus manager and work you way around to efficiently organizing your Jentla information:

For every main aspect of your online marketing strategy, Jentla is here to help. Find more information about Menu Management on our documentation page.


Category digest

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
28 May 2013
Hits: 7923

Categories are an important part of Jentla Marketing Hub, as a vital aspect of the article management process, for organizing site content and helping users prioritize content being published on site.

This Monday's infographic shows you the most important aspects of using categories in JMH but also a few insights on category management.




Articles, at their best

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
13 May 2013
Hits: 7815

Publishing multichannel articles from Jentla Marketing Hub can be done easily, through the Advanced Content Administration menu. Use the options here to create, edit, feature, publish and retract any type of article from Website/Mobile to Facebook, LinkedIn, SMS, Email and Twitter.  You can also add as many channels as you want, to distribute your marketing message widely.

This InfoMonday infographic will detail the use of Advanced Content Administration in Jentla Marketing Hub and how you can perform de different types of operations on your multichannel articles :



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