
5 ways to campaign right

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
08 March 2013
Hits: 26998

When asked what is the special thing that makes a campaign go viral, most marketers don't have an exact answer. It's not the milk in the coffee or the pepperoni in the famous Italian pizza. People react to messages read online in unexpected ways. With all the random info being published and shared, it is hard to make sense of something in particular being posted. One thing's for sure : what you are online, impacts your offline business.

And yes, there are some aspects that can be predicted. Advices and tips that gave results and led mostly to successful online campaigning. Here's the top 5 I've found :


Staying safe online

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
19 June 2013
Hits: 25385

Over 70% of Australia's population is estimated to be using the internet, says a report released by the World Bank in 2012. With such a high rate of online adoption, there are over 11 million Facebook accounts, 2.2 million Google Plus users reported, while the number of mobile handsets with an Internet connection has reached 17.4 million in 2012. Nonetheless, there are over 4 million iPhones in the country.

It is no wonder than that the recent talks about US National Security Agency engaging in the surveillance of private data belonging to non-US citizens, have troubled many Aussies.

With so much online information being held in the hands of a few American companies, this is not only last week's news. But the question imposed on a reality that many online businesses and users have to face every day.

Is private data on Internet safe? What can online companies do to protect their private information? Here's what we've found out:


You need an email boost

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
03 July 2013
Hits: 21250

It may be a bit out of style, but it is certainly not out of here. Email marketing still has some clear advantages over the new ways of online advertising. In fact, there is more to email than many might think. A new report published by Custora shows that email crushes social media marketing when it comes to increasing sales. Over the last four years, the number of customers acquired by email has quadrupled, reaching 7 % over the past two years. In comparison, Facebook and Twitter have barely registered any sales in the same period of time.


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