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Written by Alexandra Coroian
29 April 2013
Hits: 7760

It's one of the most important Jentla Marketing Hub processes, because it lets users publish to all social networks from one place only. The Social tab connects the site(s) and postings to a wider community, just waiting to hear from you.

Starting today, enjoy this weekly InfoMonday ( a periodical Jentla infographic), offering easy to follow insights on multiple Jentla features :


So many roles, so little Facebook time!

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
22 March 2013
Hits: 7727

It's easy to differentiate roles and assign duties when you have 5 Facebook admin positions to choose from. Limit and extend attributions and have your team working around the clock. Sound easy enough.

This post will explain the differences between the 5 positions and help you see their advantages and disadvantages.

These are the five positions available to be set your Facebook business page:

1. Manager - can manage admin roles, write posts, create ads, view insights. It can basically do all the of the others' roles combined.

2.Content Creator – writes posts, creates ads, views insights. Cannot add roles ( name or ban admins) or delete the page.


Need reasons to text?

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
21 February 2013
Hits: 7666

For me, SMS is a half way interaction. You can write and be written back, all without being disturbed in the middle of an important meeting. If you come to master the words, you can express almost anything through text, with the advantage of being able to retract any words written.

SMS is fast and cheap and doesn't depend on the Internet connection. It never forces you to set up an account. Text moves a simple mobile owner in the middle of a messaging mass, making him/her part of this community, without any fuss.

This was just a short review for why I text daily. I'm sure there is more data out there, some of it may not be as optimistic. Keep looking closely. You will surely find some info that you haven't read before.

New reasons to adopt or dump an SMS marketing strategy, can turn up after answering these general questions:


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