
Real estate, at its best

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
24 June 2013
Hits: 9071


Measure your online influence

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
10 April 2013
Hits: 9028

Leave all that online talk aside: advertise where, follow who, write how. You've been around for a while and realized that it all comes around to one idea: having authority. And all you really want to do is become that authority. To have people listen and follow what you're saying, and make an impact on the way they buy and consume products.

Yes, that sums up all your efforts towards making it online. Creating content for that special audience has never been easier, with all the tips and tricks available out there. Not to mention all the quality stories just waiting to be re-shared. Measuring your influence, on the other hand, can turn out to be a difficult process.

Read this post if you're curios on how well you're doing on social media, to find out the true length of your authority and see if a program is suited for measuring your online influence or if the DIY method will bring you better results.


Menu layouts in Jentla

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
21 June 2013
Hits: 8871

There are a lot of options for displaying your Jentla menus and they're all depending on what you wish to publish on site. Whether is a single article, a list of articles sharing the same category or all categories published on site, the menu item types are the ones solving you every problem.

These can be set from the menu editing page, but also while setting a category as menu, in the categories section of your Jentla manager.

As we've previously discussed the different types of menu layouts available, this post will concentrate on the advantages and special features of each one :


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