
Firstly, there was email

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
07 September 2012
Hits: 3582

Saving time or being able to instantly access your prospects. Connecting efficiently and using multiple fun applications. There is no limit to the motives why people use social media. You get actually overwhelmed by the constant every-day need of keeping up with the news and having to ensure a permanent presence on Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin. Could not imagine a time where not even email was invented.

But it happened not so long ago. In the early '70's, “the father of email” created the first form of communicating between two computers. How did the first email really appear but, most of all, why is email so important still, in spite of every other type of online messaging also available ?



No one is that lucky

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
14 December 2012
Hits: 3581

Some sites, companies, e-businesses seem to be more then successful online. Have you noticed? Ever wondered how do they manage to attract viewers' attention, what is the secret that places these few firms above the great majority?

Well, it's money most of all. Being able to invest in specialist advice and buy an advanced marketing system and also advertise online, all these represent great advantages.


Emailing, at its finest

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
19 February 2013
Hits: 3579

A legit question is not always followed by a simple answer. It shouldn't be that hard, really. How do you get more subscriptions via email? Well, nobody knows the secret recipe. There are ways - tried by some, experiences that worked or failed for others. Some good ideas always exist and this is a short overview of what could be done. Browse through the hints below and choose the ones that sound good to you:



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