
For the perfect content

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
13 September 2012
Hits: 3676

There was a time when content was available only to a few fortunate consumers. When owning a good book or a lyric drama meant power and standing above the average. It is almost unbelievable nowadays – not being able to see, watch, listen to whatever you want – out and away from the current madness content distribution process – when even most purchases are based on content related judgments.

But still, from the internet revolution, and making content available to all, many things have changed and are still changing. The way people perceive the commercial messages, most of all, has mutated greatly to the consumer's advantage.

It is not advisable anymore to propagate a powerful false message on the internet, believes marketer Seth Godin. Along with the social media evolution, the prospects' liberty in reacting to a “lie” has become greater and greater. The content has to be true, available to all and have the amazing property of causing a chain reaction: creating new content with the same properties, believes social media strategist Paul Cotton.


Your own media expert

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
15 February 2013
Hits: 3669

With the increasing importance of online media, the need for seeing in order to believe, has never been so vital.

Especially in real estate, no matter how a property is described to be, the most eloquent materials are still the photos and videos of the assets being sold. This is how the new role in Jentla Property Hub has come to be created.

The cinematographer handles all media to be advertised and prepares materials for scriptwriters, video-graphers and voice-over artists, while working closely with the agents. Read this topic to find out what exactly does the cinematographer and how you can benefit from its important role in real estate marketing.


Why tweeting matters

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Written by Alexandra Coroian
17 October 2012
Hits: 3654

Nothing is more frustrating then being left behind at something that everyone else is so good at. Take for example Twitter, the fastest expanding social media in the online world. Sure, I'm not talking about you. There are so many people who talk about it, many have even created an account. But there's a big difference between saying you know Twitter and knowing it, precisely. Of course I'm not saying that's your case. There's also a huge difference between using Twitter for your personal connections and tweeting for business matters. Like yourself, I know all about that.

But let's just see, just in case we've missed some of the theory, what is that one thing that makes Twitter so influential? Is there anything in the advertising process, where Twitter does really help?


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